From the 1st December 2022, the Welsh Government are planning on implementing the Renting Homes (Wales) Act. It will bring big changes to the way homes are rented in Wales for both the private and social sectors.

There will be changes to the way tenancy contracts are provided, homes are maintained and communications between tenants and their landlords.
Although there are changes that will affect you, please do not worry. There is no risk to your home or tenancy. 

Renting Homes (Wales) Act – Who, what, when, and how?

What is the Renting Homes (Wales) Act? 
In 2016, the Senedd passed the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 with the aim of making it simpler and easier for landlords and tenants to rent a home in Wales.  
It introduces many changes to tenancy laws with the aim of simplifying agreements and improving the condition of rented homes in Wales. It offers greater security and certainty to tenants and landlords 

Who does it affect? 

All Landlords and all Tenants – private and social 

When will it be implemented?  

From the 1st December 2022 onwards. 
What is changing?

The Act aims to simplify and improve your rights as a tenant. Improving how landlords manage rented homes in Wales. 

  • New terminology will be used e.g. Tenancy agreement will be known as an Occupation Contract
  • Tenancy Agreements will be replaced by Occupation Contracts. You will receive a new written contract setting out your rights and responsibilities – see more below.
  • Increased security.
  • All properties must be safe – such as working smoke alarms and electrical safety testing.
  • There will be greater protection from eviction
  • A fair and consistent approach to anti-social behaviour
  • Improved succession rights to pass on your home. (These set out who has a right to continue to live in a home)
  • More flexible arrangements, making it easier to be added to or removed from the contract without the need to end the contract.
  • Landlords will be able to repossess abandoned properties without a court order 

How will it affect you? 

  • Under the new law, tenants will become ‘contract-holders’. Tenancy agreements will be replaced with ‘occupation contracts’.
  • Existing tenants will receive a contract within 6 months of the 1st December 2022 replacing your Tenancy Agreement.
  • New tenants after the 1st December 2022 will sign the new contract in the usual way and will receive a copy within 14 days.  
  • Contracts offer you a greater security and certainty.
  • This has no effect on your rent or cost you any money. 


Is there anything you need to do right now?  

It’s important for you to continue to familiarise yourself with the Act, so visit Welsh Governments website at


Welsh Government
Head to the Government website to find out more

Frequently Asked Questions
Read the answers to some FAQs


You should receive your new contracts in February. If you would like it in an alternative language or format please let us know by calling us on 0800 085 7843


The way you rent is changing - Leaflet
Zmiany dotyczaçe wynajmowania lokali - Ulotka
A forma como se arrenda está a mudar - Folheto

These leaflets are available in other languages, please contact us if you need it in an alternative format.